May Event Canceled
May Event is canceled, we are working on getting a schedule together for the year. The city has construction going on that needs to be planned around.
May Event is canceled, we are working on getting a schedule together for the year. The city has construction going on that needs to be planned around.
We are as bummed as you are about this, but no matter what we may or may not believe about COVID-19, masks, and it’s severity, we know taking the safest route by following advice from health officials is the right call. We look forward to seeing you all next year and hope things will go back to a form of healthy normality sooner rather than later.
After our best season yet in 2018, we look forward to our kickoff event for 2019. Cars & Coffee is on the first Sunday of the month May to October. The events are free and all ages are welcome. See you all once it warms up!